
Gendered Ed

A Blog about Gender and Education around the world


September 2016

Education for all. Period.

Once a month women around the world share a common experience. It's a symbol of our womanhood that we experience approximately a dozen times a year from puberty until menopause: our period. In the United States, and many other countries,... Continue Reading →

How Soccer Helped Transform a Taboo Subject

As Haiti's population continues to get younger, it continues to be faced with the challenges of not being able to provide adequate sexual and reproductive health services to its growing adolescents. After the 2010 earthquake, we saw an increase in... Continue Reading →

When Education Makes Masses Uncomfortable

Udaari, the acclaimed and controversial drama series that single-handedly made Pakistan uncomfortable, concluded on September 25, 2016. Grappling with powerful themes of child abuse, women empowerment, and gender discrimination, it started a conversation about the taboos in Pakistani society around... Continue Reading →

A reality check

My early morning shot of coffee today was Emma Watson’s poignant short film about Gender Equality, ‘Hurdles’. Short, inspiring, a rise and shine kind of story! The kind that makes you believe in justice and equality, a conviction that we... Continue Reading →

Education for all: Let Girls and Boys learn?

Education has long been heralded as the "great equalizer." Most would agree that education is or should be a human right. That's why sayings like: "Knowledge is power" and "Education is the only thing that can never be taken away... Continue Reading →

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