The election of President-elect Donald Trump has made many things uncertain both in America and around the world. One area with special cause for concern is that of education. The Department of Education, districts, and schools could probably all foresee spending cuts and be correct. But an area of education that is especially vulnerable is that of the role of gender in schools.

Recently, gender and sexuality rights in schools have been on the forefront of civil rights and LGBTQ efforts for a more equal society. But, given that President-elect Trump’s stance on Title IX is not known, much is left to be desired for transgender rights advocates (EdSource). Title IX of the Education Act of 1972 prohibits discrimination in schools on the basis of sex (EdSource). This understanding has over time also come to include discrimination in schools of the basis of gender, gender identity, and sexuality (EdSource).

Students all around the country are worried, and rightfully so that their right to express themselves and publicly identify in ways that align with who they are as individuals will be infringed upon under President-elect Trump. This fear also exists at a moment in time where more and more schools and institutions are doing the right thing and instituting gender-neutral bathrooms, as controversial as they may be. Missouri State is the latest university to join in this effort (St. Louis Post-Dispatch).

As my colleague Hulya said, it’s important that we know what schools and institutions are creating gender-neutral bathrooms and those that are shaming students (GenderedEd). And it is up to all of us to stand up to any harmful and unjust policies instituted under President-elect Trump’s administration so that we do not fall back into civil rights abuses.

School should be a place where students are free to express themself and fully enabled to learn. No matter their gender identity or sexuality.



St. Louis Post-Dispatch:

