
Gendered Ed

A Blog about Gender and Education around the world



The Politics of Pregnancy

"That’s not our problem, that’s up to Brenda’s family,  Well let me show you how it affects the whole community.” Tupac Shakur “Brenda’s Got a Baby” 1991 One of the most integral characteristics the define life, reproduction is a not... Continue Reading →

It’s A Man’s World, Right?

A Reverse of Gender Inequity in Education “This is a man’s world,  but it wouldn’t be nothing, nothing without a woman or a girl.” James Brown  “It’s a man’s man’s man’s world” 1966   Despite the fact that girls all... Continue Reading →

Who You Calling a ____?

Sexual Harassment and Schooling "Who you calling' a b___?" Queen Latifah "U.N.I.T.Y" 1993   No matter where you live, no matter where you’re from, if you’re a woman you’re likely to encounter some instance of harassment at some point in... Continue Reading →

Let’s Talk About Sex

The Implications of Sex Education in Developing Countries “Don’t decoy, avoid, or make void the topic cuz that ain’t gonna stop it” Salt n Peppa “Let’s Talk About Sex” 1990   Despite the fact that Salt n Peppa’s controversial anthem... Continue Reading →

Education for all. Period.

Once a month women around the world share a common experience. It's a symbol of our womanhood that we experience approximately a dozen times a year from puberty until menopause: our period. In the United States, and many other countries,... Continue Reading →

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