
Gendered Ed

A Blog about Gender and Education around the world



One of the Biggest At-Risk Populations: First Nations Girls

One of the largest issues that continue to be ignored are the alarming disparities that Aboriginal youth in Canada face. According to McMahon, isolation, depression, suicide, and substance abuse are rampant among Aboriginal youth growing up in remote communities in... Continue Reading →

Education in Trump’s America

The election of President-elect Donald Trump has made many things uncertain both in America and around the world. One area with special cause for concern is that of education. The Department of Education, districts, and schools could probably all foresee... Continue Reading →

Madrasas to the Aid!  

  “We call them Black crows. The girls who wear hijabs.” says 19 year Tina Razimi in an Al Jazeera documentary. She is talking about the girls who attend madrasas, the religious schools in Kunduz, a city that was once a... Continue Reading →

Using the Restroom-Not So Simple

An article came out in August from the ACLU detailing the Supreme Courts's decision to stop Gavin Grimm, a 17-year-old transgender boy from Virginia, from using the boys’ restroom at school. Instead, he was forced to use a separate single-stall... Continue Reading →

Why Schools Aren’t Safe Spaces

LGBT youth are at an increased risk for bullying and hostility in schools and it is impacting their learning more than ever. According to, Lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) youth, or those perceived as LGBT, may be teased and bullied... Continue Reading →

Education, violence, and the White Ribbon Oath

Anyone can be subject to violence that deeply impacts their life and ability to function in society. However, approaches to ending violence in education often focus solely or majorly on violence against women and girls. There are of course extremely... Continue Reading →

Rooting for Female Teachers!

Most affluent families in India send their children to private schools. These schools, especially in urban cities, mirror schools of the developed countries; there are more women teachers than men especially in the primary years.  It seems logical! Teaching has... Continue Reading →

Skipping School – Can’t Buy Class

I doubt anyone would disagree with the statement that education is important and often creates a means of improving ones stature in life. If that is the case, how come so many boys and girls around the world are not... Continue Reading →

School Textbooks and Gender Bias…are we doing enough?

That gender bias exists in literature is a fact, one that is corroborated by various researches done over the past few decades. In my blog post ‘A book for a girl and a book for a boy’ the numbers illustrate... Continue Reading →

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