
Gendered Ed

A Blog about Gender and Education around the world


Hulya Miclisse-Polat

One of the Biggest At-Risk Populations: First Nations Girls

One of the largest issues that continue to be ignored are the alarming disparities that Aboriginal youth in Canada face. According to McMahon, isolation, depression, suicide, and substance abuse are rampant among Aboriginal youth growing up in remote communities in... Continue Reading →

Using the Restroom-Not So Simple

An article came out in August from the ACLU detailing the Supreme Courts's decision to stop Gavin Grimm, a 17-year-old transgender boy from Virginia, from using the boys’ restroom at school. Instead, he was forced to use a separate single-stall... Continue Reading →

Why Schools Aren’t Safe Spaces

LGBT youth are at an increased risk for bullying and hostility in schools and it is impacting their learning more than ever. According to, Lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) youth, or those perceived as LGBT, may be teased and bullied... Continue Reading →

DoctHERS, a Model for All?

  I came across a unique project called DoctHERS on Aljazeera, an organization in Pakistan which provides opportunities for female medical graduates, who either get married right after finishing school or quit after having a baby, to get back into the workforce.... Continue Reading →

How Soccer Helped Transform a Taboo Subject

As Haiti's population continues to get younger, it continues to be faced with the challenges of not being able to provide adequate sexual and reproductive health services to its growing adolescents. After the 2010 earthquake, we saw an increase in... Continue Reading →

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