
Gendered Ed

A Blog about Gender and Education around the world


Rabani Garg

Madrasas to the Aid!  

  “We call them Black crows. The girls who wear hijabs.” says 19 year Tina Razimi in an Al Jazeera documentary. She is talking about the girls who attend madrasas, the religious schools in Kunduz, a city that was once a... Continue Reading →

Rooting for Female Teachers!

Most affluent families in India send their children to private schools. These schools, especially in urban cities, mirror schools of the developed countries; there are more women teachers than men especially in the primary years.  It seems logical! Teaching has... Continue Reading →

School Textbooks and Gender Bias…are we doing enough?

That gender bias exists in literature is a fact, one that is corroborated by various researches done over the past few decades. In my blog post ‘A book for a girl and a book for a boy’ the numbers illustrate... Continue Reading →

A Book for a Girl, A book for a Boy!

Ask anybody who engages with children’s literature or better still look back at your childhood and list a few favorite books. Chances are that the central or prominent character in these books that you come up with will be a... Continue Reading →

A reality check

My early morning shot of coffee today was Emma Watson’s poignant short film about Gender Equality, ‘Hurdles’. Short, inspiring, a rise and shine kind of story! The kind that makes you believe in justice and equality, a conviction that we... Continue Reading →

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