
Gendered Ed

A Blog about Gender and Education around the world



Using the Restroom-Not So Simple

An article came out in August from the ACLU detailing the Supreme Courts's decision to stop Gavin Grimm, a 17-year-old transgender boy from Virginia, from using the boys’ restroom at school. Instead, he was forced to use a separate single-stall... Continue Reading →

Why Schools Aren’t Safe Spaces

LGBT youth are at an increased risk for bullying and hostility in schools and it is impacting their learning more than ever. According to, Lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) youth, or those perceived as LGBT, may be teased and bullied... Continue Reading →

Rooting for Female Teachers!

Most affluent families in India send their children to private schools. These schools, especially in urban cities, mirror schools of the developed countries; there are more women teachers than men especially in the primary years.  It seems logical! Teaching has... Continue Reading →

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