
Gendered Ed

A Blog about Gender and Education around the world



Women: A Tool for Economic Progress?

Recently, I came across this headline “Do you know how much money India is losing because of lack of gender parity?” This article essentially focused on the economic aspects of how gender parity would benefit the overall economic growth and... Continue Reading →

A Book for a Girl, A book for a Boy!

Ask anybody who engages with children’s literature or better still look back at your childhood and list a few favorite books. Chances are that the central or prominent character in these books that you come up with will be a... Continue Reading →

Education for all: Let Girls and Boys learn?

Education has long been heralded as the "great equalizer." Most would agree that education is or should be a human right. That's why sayings like: "Knowledge is power" and "Education is the only thing that can never be taken away... Continue Reading →

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