
Gendered Ed

A Blog about Gender and Education around the world



Ruling from the Grave: Colonial Impact on Gender Fluidity in South Asia

Hijra. Khwajasaara. Transgender. The label may evolve but the harsh reality of discrimination remains the same. With a past and present plagued with discrimination and violence, and an uncertain future, the transgender community of South Asia trudges forward to reclaim... Continue Reading →

Rooting for Female Teachers!

Most affluent families in India send their children to private schools. These schools, especially in urban cities, mirror schools of the developed countries; there are more women teachers than men especially in the primary years.  It seems logical! Teaching has... Continue Reading →

School Textbooks and Gender Bias…are we doing enough?

That gender bias exists in literature is a fact, one that is corroborated by various researches done over the past few decades. In my blog post ‘A book for a girl and a book for a boy’ the numbers illustrate... Continue Reading →

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